Saturday, January 30, 2010

january 30 2010

Some recent pages I have completed in my ongoing quest to get caught up with the grandchildren's albums. It is truly a labor of love and every page brings back wonderful memories of past times we have spent together. This is "the many moods of Paige".

This is Mason on his bike riding round and round the front of his house so I could take his picture on every pass by. He must have put miles on that day!!!

And this is Riley on his Dad's motorbike having the time of his life and going nowhere!!! He is such the character.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13 2010

Scrapped three pages today from Christmas 2008...yes, I am still behind but its good to be back working on their albums. This paper was a gift from a Creative Memories open house and I love how it worked with these pictures.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10 2010

Here is a page I did tonight with pictures of Riley and Aries. These were taken last fall. Riley has loved Aries since the day she joined our family.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I made these cards with some leftover paper from the page I made in the previous post. I am not sure how I got so low on birthday cards but January will be "guy card month" until I get a small stash again.
I am not sure why they have the greenish tinge but the batteries in my camera are low.

January 8 2010

Here are some photos from Brynn's second birthday in September 2008. We don't get together often enough and so when we do every event turns into a photo op. I am sooo far behind but hope to get caught up this year.

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4 2010

I spent the evening working on Josh's book and listening to a Diana Krall CD. Time well spent. This is about a year old so he has changed a lot and I have a lot of catching up to do.

Our Girl

Here is a picture of one of the "changes" I mentioned earlier!! Aries is a 135 pound English Mastiff and the sweetest gentlest girl you could hope to have in your family. She simply thinks she is much smaller than she is LOL!!! She often tries to climb on our lap. Our Suzi, the Border Collie we have had for 10 years will soon make her journey over the rainbow bridge. She has Lymphoma and although she has lived an exceptionally good life and brought us much joy, we know it will soon be time to let her go. Aries has learned a lot from her, she is a good teacher, and although we will miss her, we have hundreds of wonderful memories.

I'm back!!!

Its been a long while since I used this blog and a lot has changed for us. My New Years resolution is to make much more effort to keep this site up to date, to share my ideas, my joys, my trials and my ramblings with you. A second and more important resolution is that of getting my scrap book pages up to date for all 8 of our grandchildren. I will no doubt be winding down the Stampin' Up business in order to do this and that makes me somewhat sad but I also derive a great deal of joy from preserving the memories of those beautiful children growing up. I will not likely make a final decision on the SU business until the end of March but winding it up is is an option. Here is a picture of the card class I did for Christmas this year. It was very well received and a lot of fun to deliver but the prep time was considerable and it took me away from other things that I would liked to have accomplished.